lundi 29 juin 2015

MySQL group by all columns except one

I'm looking for a (cleaner?) way to do the following:

Let's say I have a table, main, with ~15 columns that looks something like this, with one row per id:

id      start           end             col4    ...     col15
666     2014-01-01      2014-06-30      ...     ...     ...
1234    2015-03-05      2015-05-02      ...     ...     ...
9876    2014-09-01      2015-01-01      ...     ...     ...

Then I have another table, events, which may have 0, 1, or many rows per id:

id      date            code
666     2014-01-20      "code_a"
1234    2015-05-01      "code_b"
666     2014-01-25      "code_c"
666     2014-02-09      "code_z"
... (etc)

and finally I have a table, codes, which has one row per code, giving a description for the code as well as a type (0,1, or 2):

code            desc            type
"code_a"        "something"     0 
"code_b"        "somethn else"  1
"code_c"        "another thing" 0
"code_d"        "one more"      2
(no code z)

and what I want as a result is main's 15 columns plus three additional columns which contain comma separated lists of event codes which happened between the start and end dates for that id by type (first column is type 0, second type 1, third type 2), so:

id      start           end             ...     col15   type_0          type_1  type_2
666     2014-01-01      2014-06-30      ...     ...     "code_a,code_c"         
1234    2015-03-05      2015-05-02      ...     ...                     "code_b"

my solution is

select m.*
     , group_concat(c0) as type_0
     , group_concat(c1) as type_1
     , group_concat(c2) as type_2
from main m 
     left join events e on = and between m.start and m.end
     left join codes c0 on c0.code = e.code and c0.type = 0
     left join codes c1 on c0.code = e.code and c0.type = 1
     left join codes c2 on c0.code = e.code and c0.type = 2
group by
       , m.start
       , m.end
       , m.col4
       , m.col5
       , m.col6
       , m.col7
       , m.col8
       , m.col9
       , m.col10
       , m.col11
       , m.col12
       , m.col13
       , m.col14
       , m.col15  

But to me that's pretty nasty looking. Is there a more elegant way to do this (especially avoiding the 15 columns listed in the group by)?

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