lundi 29 juin 2015

Make SQL Query from button via PHP

I have my SQL query working fine in PHPMyAdmin but can't get it work with PHP. Let's say I have this query:

SELECT Login, Firstname, Lastname, Company INTO OUTFILE 'c:\\users.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'  
FROM `Users` WHERE Company = 'SID';

I would like to call my query from a web page with a click. I did 2 files fonction.php and form.php as follow. For fonction.php

function connectMaBase(){
    $base = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', '');  
    mysql_select_db ('CCPayment', $base) ;

And for form.php I have this

    <head><title>Pages de requetes SQL </title></head>
        <h1> Requete SQL </h1>
       <form name="sqlquery" method="post" action="form.php">        
        <input type="submit" name="valider" value="Go"/>
    if (isset ($_POST['valider'])){
        $sql = "SELECT Login, Firstname, Lastname, Company  INTO OUTFILE \'c:\\\\Users.txt\' FIELDS TERMINATED BY \',\' LINES TERMINATED BY \'\\r\\n\' \n"
     . "FROM `OptiOutput` WHERE Company = \'SID\'";

        mysql_query ($sql) or die ('Erreur SQL !'.$sql.'<br />'.mysql_error()); 

I'm a beginner and could not find what is wrong in the code.

Thanks for your help.

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